Kiki MacAdoo and the Graveyard Ballerinas
Kiki MacAdoo and the Graveyard Ballerinas
Kiki MacAdoo and the Graveyard Ballerinas

Kiki MacAdoo and the Graveyard Ballerinas

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When eleven-year-old Kiki MacAdoo and her talented older sister go to Mount Faylinn Dance Conservatory for the summer, they ignore the brochure’s mysterious warning that “ballets come alive” in the nearby forest.

But after her sister disappears, it’s up to Kiki to brave the woods and save her sister from the ghost sylphs that dance young girls to their deaths. As Kiki unlocks the mysteries of Mount Faylinn, the ballet of the ghost sylphs, Giselle, simultaneously unfolds, sending Kiki on the adventure of a lifetime.


Paperback: 204 pages 

CATEGORY: Ballet | Dance | Fantasy | Paranormal | Mystery | Sisters | Adventure

AGE: Middle Grade, 8+ (mild spooky elements) 

Print: 978-1-945654-55-8 | Ebook: 978-1-945654-56-5